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List of Universities in Ireland

Irish universities have good world ranking. Ireland spends a large proportion of its budget at study and research. Instructors are selected from industry who provide a real world coaching to graduates to prepare them well for upcoming career. List of colleges is given at separate page which can be found in top menu bar. You may click on each link to visit direct official website of the university;Irish universities provide scholarships to qualified students from almost all countries.

 Following is the list of universities in Ireland.
  • Dublin City University
  • National University of Ireland
  • National University of Ireland, Galway
  • National University of Ireland, Maynooth
  • University College Cork
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Limerick

21:03 | 0 comments

Canada PNP – Business Immigration

Same like main stream business immigration, all Canadian provinces have agreements with federal government and run their own immigration plans. All of these provinces have almost same or a bit different selection criteria.
They have three programs for people from all over the world to come and start a business career. These programs are;
Investor Class
This program requires applicants to make investment into Canadian economy for a specific time period. Canadian government gives permanent residence to the investors and use their investment amount for socio – economic development. However after completion of agreed period to investors only raw amount is paid without any interest .
Entrepreneur Class
Entrepreneurs are called to Canada by all provinces to bring innovative ideas and exposure of businesses from all over the world. Entrepreneur program do not require any investment but their permanent residence is subject to compliance with specific conditions.
Self-employed Class
Self employed applicant are usually people having athletic or other cultural exposure. Canada welcomes such applicants to promote inter-cultural development in different communities of Canada.
Please click on each province to visit their offical website for detail;
00:17 | 0 comments

Recognized Graduate Visa (Subclass 476)

This is a special visa for professionals having qualification from recognized institutes from all over the world. This allows graduates to live , wok and stay in Australia for the period of 18 months. Hereunder is the list of recognized
qualifications and institutes which are acceptable for this visa category. Other factors like age limitation, application fee and place to submit application are also discussed for your ease.

While submitting application as recognized graduate, you must be under 31 at that day.
English Language Competency
Applicant must have English language proficiency at least at competency level. This can be demonstrated in any of the two following ways;
IELTS (A band score of 6.0 in each speaking, reading, writing and listening);OR
You hold passport of any of the following countries;
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Republic of Ireland
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • United States of America (USA)
Acceptable Qualifications
To apply under this category, you must have a post graduate diploma, doctorate degree, master degree or professional graduate degree in an engineering discipline. Engineering disciplines which are acceptable are civil, chemical, mechanical, structural, production and plant engineering, but it’s not limited to only these engineering disciplines.
Note: You engineering qualification must be gained from one of the recognized engineering institutes given below;

  • University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
  • University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • University of Pretoria (South Africa)
  • Technikon South Africa (South Africa)
  • University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)


  • American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
  • American University of Sharjah (UAE)
  • Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
  • Istanbul Technical University (Turkey)
  • Hacettepe University (Turkey)
  • Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
  • Amir Kabir University of Technology (Iran)
  • University of Tehran (Iran)
  • Tohoku University (Japan)
  • China University of Mining & Technology (China)
  • Chongqing University (China)
  • Tongji University (China)
  • Tsinghua University (China)
  • Shanghai University of Engineering Science (China)
  • Shanghai Jiaotong University (China)
  • Guangzhou University (China)
  • Beijing Normal University (China)
  • Beijing Petroleum University (China)
  • Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China)
  • University of Science and Technology (China)
  • Beijing University of Technology (China)
  • Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)
  • University of Indonesia (Indonesia)
  • National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  • University of Malaya (Malaysia)
  • Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia)
  • University of the Philippines (Philippines)
  • Indian Institute of Science – Bangalore (India)
  • Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Malaysia)
  • Deakin University Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  • Deakin University Penang (Malaysia)
  • Edith Cowan University (Singapore)
  • James Cook University (Singapore)
  • Monash University, Sunway (Malaysia)
  • RMIT University in partnership with Singapore Institute of Commerce (Singapore)
  • RMIT University in partnership with Auston International (Singapore)
  • RMIT University in partnership with IMC Technologies (Singapore)
  • Swinburne University of Technology (Malaysia)
  • University of Newcastle in partnership with PSB (Singapore)
  • University of South Australia in partnership with APMC (Singapore)
  • University of Technology, Sydney in partnership with HKMA (Hong Kong)
  • Anna University – Chennai, India
  • Indian School of Mines – Dhanbad, India
  • Banaras Hindu University – Varanasi, India
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

South America

  • University of Chile (Chile)
  • University of Chile – Antofagasta (Chile)
  • University of Concepcion (Chile)
  • Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
  • Catholic University of Argentina (Argentina)

North America

  • University of Toronto (Canada)
  • McGill University (Canada)
  • University of Alberta (Canada)
  • Queen’s University (Canada)
  • University of Laval (Canada)
  • University of Waterloo (Canada)
  • Laurentian University (Canada)
  • University of British Columbia (Canada)
  • Arizona State University – Tempe (USA)
  • Pennsylvania State University – University Park (USA)
  • University of California – Berkeley (USA)
  • University of Nevada – Reno (USA)
  • Michigan Technological University (USA)
  • West Virginia University (USA)
  • Colorado School of Mines (USA)
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology – Rolla (USA)
  • University of Idaho – Moscow (USA)
  • Montana College of Minerals Science & Technology (USA)
  • South Dakota School of Mines & Technology (USA)
  • University of Alaska (USA)
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (USA)
  • University of Arizona (USA)
  • University of Utah (USA)
  • Universidad Autonoma San Luis Potosi (Mexico)

  • Imperial College London (UK)
  • University of Leeds (UK)
  • University of Nottingham (UK)
  • University of Birmingham (UK)
  • University of Portsmouth (UK)
  • University of Southampton (UK)
  • University of Manchester (UK)
  • Camborne School of Mines (University of Exeter) (UK)
  • University of Bristol (UK)
  • Moscow State University (Russia)
  • St Petersburg State University (Russia)
  • Lulea University of Technology (Sweden)
  • Technology University Aachen (Germany)
  • University of Hannover (Germany)
  • Technical University of Clausthal (Germany)
  • Technical University of Berlin (Germany)
  • RWTH, Aachen (Germany)
  • TU Berlin (Germany)
  • TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany)
  • Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
  • HUT, Helsinki (Finland)
  • TU Kosice (Slovakia)
  • University of Miskolc (Hungary)
  • Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland)

Application Fee

Currently fee for tis visa category is AUD 235/ payable in form of demand draft or credit card.

Where to Submit Application?
Application should be submitted online at this link or by post at this address

06:39 | 0 comments

Hong Kong Skilled Migrant Scheme

During the last decade Hong Kong has become an economic giant in Asia. It is vigorously 
requiring more and more skilled professionals for fulfilment of its economic needs.From last year, it has announced a migration plan based on point system. Total points are set to 165 while a successful applicant must score at least 80. Points are given for following five factors;

Maximum points allocated for for age are 30. Following table explains the integration of points for different age groups.
Age GroupsPoints
18 to 3930
40 to 4420
45 to 5015
51 +0

you can claim maximum 45 points for academic qualifications. Points for each academic level is given in this table.
Two (2) or More Doctoral Degrees45
One Doctoral Degree / Two or more postgraduate  Degrees40
One postgraduate  Degree / Two or more graduate Degrees35
Graduate Degree / Other Professional Qualification from a recognized institute stating that you have good technical expertise30
Minimum two (2) years work experience is required. 50 are the maximum points for work experience.
Work ExperiencePoints
Up to 10 years excellent experience, including minimum 5 years at top level position50
3 years work experience19
Five (5) years work experience, with minimum 2 years at senior level position40
minimum five (5) years work experience30
minimum two (2) years work experience10
Being a multi lingual and economic hub, Hong Kong accepts both Chinese or English language proficiency. Higher you are proficient, more you get the language points.
Language proficiencyPoints
written and spoken competency in both Chinese and English20
proficiency in any one language other than Chinese and English15
written and spoken competency in written and spoken Chinese or English10
Family Background
Marriage and good family background is also taken an advantage for Hong Kong immigration. You can claim up to 10 points for your family background.
Family BackgroundPoints
minimum one close family member (partner, siblings, parents and kids) is a Hong Kong resident living in Hong Kong5
partner is qualified up to degree level5
Five (5) points for each unmarried dependent child under 18, Ten (10) points5 or 10
Application Fee
There is no application fee in advance, however if application is accepted you would have to pay a visa fee equivalent to HKD 160/.
Where to Submit Application?
Immigration Department
6/F, Immigration Tower
7 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Email: Send Email
Official Website

19:37 | 0 comments

UK Implementing New Tier 4 Student Visa Rules

UK immigration minister announced new rules for student visa category. In past two years, they have many times changed tier 4 student visa policy. Reason to announce and implement new changes is to attract only serious student with genuine intention to study rather than working in UK. Main points of interest are as below;
  • A special 1000 placements are reserved for students who have brilliant and creative ideas but they do not meet Tier 1 criteria. Now they will be eligible to apply under this new stream.
  • Promoting young entrepreneurs, UK will allow new degree completing students to stay under Tier 1 (Entrepreneur class) if they have an investment of £50,000
  • Increasing maintenance funds required to show at the time of visa application
  • Limiting work hours of below degree students so only those students who have genuine intention to study in UK rather than working
Damian Green, immigration minister, said;
It is vital that we continue to attract the brightest and the best international students, but we have to be more selective about who can come here and how long they can stay.
In the past, too many students have come to the UK to work rather than study, and this abuse must end. With the introduction of the Graduate Entrepreneur route and the restrictions on student work, we are reforming the system to deliver immigration to benefit Britain.
23:52 | 0 comments

UK Tier 4 Applicants Facing Live Visa Interview

Visa interview is essential to assess applicant’s ability and intention to get a visa for specific country. During last two years, United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) relaxed Tier4 student visa category to attract brilliant students from all over the world. Relaxed criteria included no visa interview, low maintenance funds, no English proficiency proof and an easy to follow point based system. Due to no visa interview, it was easy to get visa. Under this system, applicants just had to get Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) in approved education provider and show maintenance funds in account for only 28 days prior to their visa application.
According to critiques, Tier 4 point based system is abused by non-genuine applicants to get into United Kingdom. If we take example of India or Pakistan, before 2009 when point based system was introduced, around 12000 visas were issued to students of each country. However during first year of Tier 4 student visa category, around two hundred thousand people got UK student visa. According to reports, more than 70% were not genuine students and 50% of them are not even traceable in United Kingdom now. UKBA has taken vigorous steps to stop this abuse of Tier 4 student visa. One of the main responsive measures taken by UKBA is visa interview. UK Border Agency thinks, tier 4 student visa applicants can be scrutinized via one to one visa interview.
As per the new visa procedure, all Tier 4 visa applicants are called to attend visa interview in person at nearest British High Commission. Visa interviewer usually assesses English proficiency of the student and general vulnerability to come back to home country after completing their studies. This is very useful method to find bogus visa applicants who do not want to study in United Kingdom but try to follow Tier 4 student visa route to get into UK. After conducting interviews for a specific period of time, UKBA officials found that a major proportion of Tier 4 student visa applicants do not have ability even to fill out their visa application forms. They do not have this much English proficiency to fill out their visa application forms without help of some other person.
UKBA is very strict to this matter now and will never tolerate any applicant if he could not prove genuineness of being real tier 4 student. Currently around 40% of the Tier 4 applicants are being rejected due to failure in satisfying visa interviewer. UKBA clearly announces that it always welcomes brilliant and genuine students to UK from all over the world but there is no place for people who try to deceive immigration laws.

23:41 | 0 comments

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